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Official version soon to be JNOS 2.0p (for linux) ...

 • Download / Compile / Install  • Release History  • Development Code (NEW)

 • Exactly what is JNOS ? and important copyrights and credits

  JNOS 2.0 has a IPV6 stack, the VARA and APRS code has been significantly
        revamped (by Michael Ford, WZ0C), and (on a whim) I got

Trying to keep Radio in Amateur Radio    * live 30m heard lists

   * VARA HF msg forwarding actively (and successfully) in use with other systems

   Teensy, VARA, MultiPSK, NinoTNC, PTC-IIusb, Direwolf, QtSoundModem, and more ...

 • Full blast TCP/IP over VARA demonstration
Check out my VARA (research) link at the top of this page, demonstration videos of
JNOS 2.0 forwarding with a Winlink Express client, an IP bridge between two JNOS 2.0
systems, and an FTP session over IP between two JNOS 2.0 systems. These were concept
projects to see what I could with the VARA software (last year) - more to do though.

* last updated on Monday, May 6, 2024 ...